The C.A.D.R.E.
Thanks, for showing up, here! This platform is conceptualized out of the need for parents, educators and people who care, to regain children's attention with customizable, educational content for viewing. We know what BIG MEDIA knows: All you need is attention.
Media grabs our attention and then injects messages into our thoughts once it has it. I've put this platform together, with the intention to allow its users to create custom media packages that'll not only educate its viewers but potentially ween them off of generic--and oft-times, deleterious--content found on YouTube, TikTok and other offenders' platforms.
My other impetus for this design is to begin bridging the American skills gap--skills that are projected to be imperative in an Ai and robotics-driven future.
This project is long-term. Poised to start as early as daycare, up to high school. If you answer yes to any of the question on the right, Then you're in the correct place!
Parents, educators...
Are you guilty of handing your child a phone or tablet for viewing content on YouTube, that you're not quite familiar with, was suggested to you, or found by the child? Would you like more control over what your kid watches? Do you care about your child's employment years? Then let's work together!
Crime deterrence
Our teenagers are all but, evaporating. And trying to reach them can prove next to impossible sometimes. Ever found yourself wishing they'd listen to your wisdom more closely? Deploy a customized A.V.A.A.C. to their telephone, tailored with your wisdom.
Employment Readiness among ai and robotics.
Our Relevant Jobs Board, keeps its users abreast of the employment landscape projected for 2035 and beyond. Choose from it and enlist your kids with a career path, congruent with those projections. I'm looking to partner with organizations that can act as recruiters for C.A.D.R.E. cultivated talent.
device lock down service
Not sure how to lock that device from outside influence on your kids? Take a look at our tips or send it to us. Hand a child--as young as 1 year of age--a device free of TikTok, YouTube and more. Give them one with just the content you created on it. Everything they watch can come from you!

Interested yet???
Visit this link as a precursor to signing up for C.A.D.R.E.